Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Overriding of Document Protocol Parameters in B2B

Once we came across a very interesting scenario, wherein we want to have different 'Segment delimters' for different transactions of same protocol revision of same trading partner, e.g
For partner 'ABC ' transaction '894' segment delimter should be 0x7f and for '880' it should be 0x3e.
We followed the below steps-

  • Goto - Remote TP --> Operational Capability --> Respecive Business Action --> Document Protocol Parameters

  • Update the segment delimiter for each Business Action.

  • Re validate and Redeploy the agreement

NOTE:- B2B doesn't allow to set different Document Protocol Parameters for different transactions of same protocol revision and same trading partner. If you change in one of the transactions it will automatically reflect in the other.

We all know that for every EDI transaction, we generate its corresponding XSD(schema) from B2B Document Editor.

To make it work, we need to make use of Internal-properties defined in the transaction's xsd. When you add this xsd in your B2B adapter, you can pass the desired value in any of the document protocol parameters with help of XSLT and this eventually overrides the value set in B2B console at run time.




Mike said...


Got a problem in prod where we set the batch to run on a specific time as well as batching every 200 invoices. But at the end of batch, we are left with invoices with WAIT_For_Batch. I guess since the left overs where less than 200 mark, the invoices didn't get batched and sent out. Is there a way around this limitation?

Mike said...

Blogger Mousa Arbeed said...

Got a problem in prod where we set the batch to run on a specific time as well as batching every 200 invoices. But at the end of batch, we are left with invoices with WAIT_For_Batch. I guess since the left overs where less than 200 mark, the invoices didn't get batched and sent out. Is there a way around this limitation?