One of the stiff challenges which i faced is migrating a single agreement in B2B between two environments, suppose from Development environment to Production environment in the below scenario.
You have Trading partner "A" with some EDI X12 transaction for eg. 850 configured and running in both the environments(dev and prod). Now we have a new transaction suppose 875 for the same partner "A" configured in dev environment and needs to be moved to production.
Now if you migrate this 875 agreement in the conventional way, then it will throw an error in B2B production console while validating the agreement
Agreement $TP_Name 875 Inbound is invalid.
AIP-16222: The transport parameter of trading partner $TP_Name must have no more than one protocol endpoint
The endpoint details in both the environments are different.
1. In development environment update the transport server parameters for "$TransportServer" to the same values as production, then re-export the agreement and import it again.
2. In the exported agreement (xml file) modify the IP, username and password for "$TransportServer" transport server to the values you have in production environment.
You may get these parameters by connecting to B2B production metadata repository and running this query:
select * from b2b.TIP_transportserver_t t where"$TransportServer";
Import the xml file in the production server and validate the agreement.
No errors this time!!
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