Thursday, September 29, 2011

Handle the custom EDI Document Version Number

Many EDI customers customizes the Standard EDI document version numbers  for e.g for 850 EDI document Standard Version of  X12 protocol are 5010, 4010 etc but customer wants to have his own version numbers e.g 5010VICS , 4010UCS in the outbound EDI file.
Thus to accomplish it you need to customize the document version from 4010 to the desired 4010UCS in the 850 communication capability of the trading partner.

But  you can get the below error-
AIP-50547: Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values: From party[NAME] "Glbalchips", To party[NAME] "ACME", Business action name "null"; also verify agreement effectiveToDate
at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.RepoDataAccessor.getAgreementNameByBaTPName(
at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAIdentifier.identifyTPA(
at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processTPA(
at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.tpa.TPAProcessor.processIncomingTPA(
at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processIncomingMessage(
at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.incomingContinueProcess(
at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.handleMessageEvent(
at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents( 

Business Action can be null when the Document Type or the Document Type Revision is not configured correctly.
For any transaction, inbound or outbound, B2B finds the following parameters in order to determine an agreement.
a. From Party
b. To Party
c. Document Type
d. Document Type Revision.
Oracle B2B extracts the Document Type and Document Revision from the transaction set of incoming EDI Document . i.e UNH Segment.
If there is a mismatch in the Document Type or the Document Revision in the B2B configuration (different from the EDI Incoming File), then B2B cannot determine the Business Action.
If any one of the above values are configured incorrectly or not configured , B2B throws "AIP-50547: Trading partner agreement not found for the given input values".

Check if Document Type has some custom name. (B2B does not allow to customize the document type name.)
If Yes
Rename the document type to just 850 ( or any standard type) as follows:
In the present configuration,
Login to B2B ---->Partners --->Protocols ---->EDI X12 over Generic Exchange ----
->Document Protocol Revision --->Details
In the Document Type section , rename 850UCS to 850
Re-create the agreement and re-deploy the configuration. 

Happy learning.


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