Monday, September 19, 2011

Duplicate 997 EDI file names.

Scenario- Its quite obvious that for each Inbound EDI transaction received from the Trading Partner, a corresponding Functional Acknowledgement(997) needs to be sent back to the TP. In our case we had Adjustment Transaction Set (895) coming from the TP which was quite large in number(traffic wise) and so the 997s also became quite large in number.

Problem- There were some cases where the outgoing 997 files were being created with the same file name by B2B when they are generated at the same moment of time.Thus the TPs were missing some 997s as B2B was overwriting the file with the same name.The outgoing file name format was ("%FROM_PARTY%_%TIMESTAMP%.dat") .

Cause- There was no direct cause to find the reason as why B2B was behaving in such an abnormal way as the 997 was automatically initiated by B2B as soon as it received the inbound file.
PS: Make sure that MLR #15 or later version patch is already applied on your B2B server. If not then kindly apply the same and then check.

Solution-Definitely problem was with the time resolution. If resolution is not in nano-seconds then such problems may occur under heavy load. Oracle B2B internally uses JAVA API's for creating time-stamp and if OS does not have nano second time resolution then time-stamp may not be unique.
To remove the discrepancy of time format in the filename, i made the name unique by using Message ID ("%MSG_ID%") in the file name and prblem was solved.

You can also use InReply to Message ID ("%INREPLYTO_ID%") in filename format to keep it unique.

Happy learning!!


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